I must make a confession, I have thoroughly fallen in love with my camera. It has taken a little while to really know how to use it, but when you do there is no going back. That being said, I have really been doing some heavy experimentation lately, where I have spent hours (I mean hours) playing around with different lighting and making photographs either bright and vibrant or dark and moody. A quick story first though- when I was in high school I inherited my grandfather's manual Nikon from the 1970s. It is a beautiful camera, I still have it. I used his camera for photography lessons and back then I just did it because I needed to fulfill an elective. I thoroughly enjoyed it but my teacher said I didn't have a 'knack' for photography, yes, a teacher told that to a student, so after that class I actually believed him and didn't pick up a camera again until last May. Since then, photography has been an amazing creative outlet for me and I am glad that I stopped believing him and in turn, I believed in myself.
Anyways, I decided to dry the chamomile leaves from yesterday's post and make tea. I made homemade tea once before here and was blown away at how easy it is to make yourself. Chamomile tea has a subtle floral notes and I love to sip it with just a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Continue for more...