We have a fairly large office off the side of our bedroom that has not been utilized since we moved in, nearly ten months ago. Instead of functioning as an office, it stored a lot of our belongings that merged and have been forgotten about ever since. Well, the other day I was walking the dog and stumbled across a great treasure just pushed to the curb - the West Elm Parson's Desk that I have been eyeing for years, seriously. It was even in white, the color that I wanted! I just couldn't believe that someone would just throw it away, but well, that is New York for you. So in one days time I managed to ransack the room and we both agreed to throw away old nick knacks and make the place functional and beautiful. It needs a coat of paint, a photo gallery of sorts and some other details to make the space an inviting haven to work in.

Now that I have the desk, I can finally create an inspiring work space. I am scouring the web and design magazines for some inspiration. Below are some images that are getting my creative juices flowing.
(My new desk in it's appropriate setting)
(A glossy white desk that offers the perfect storage for magazines)
(Antique meets contemporary)
(A lot of shelving is essential for organizing)
(An amazing vintage green leather chair placed next to a Chinese screen)
(Mirrored surfaces)
(A gallery of inspiration)
(Angular lines in black and white)
(One of my favorites by Mary McDonald - I love the vintage fashion pictures that create a beautiful collage)
(A sheepskin rug invites coziness to any office space)
(White on white with perfect storage)
(Wood creates a rustic setting)
(Glossy turquoise walls are even more impacted with the zebra skin and orange chair)
(The mirrored Parson's table)
(The light blue walls create a serene environment)
(Bright white)
All images from lonnymag.com, houseandhome.com