Monday, September 9, 2013

A Day Away:: Cold Springs, New York

Over Labor Day weekend we ventured up to Cold Springs, New York in the Hudson Valley.  Escaping the city and going to the country is one of my favorite things to do whenever possible.  The Hudson valley is so lush and green and I adore how the gentle foothills roll into the still Hudson River.  Cold Springs is a town that has been around since the early 1800's and exploring it's narrow streets was like stepping back into a simpler times.  If you are in the spirit to wander through antique stores this is the place to do it as one tiny shop flanks another and the signage has a nostalgic feel.  We enjoyed lunch at the Hudson House Inn and then cooled down with home-churned ice cream at Moo Moo's Creamery (humidity on that particular day was about 80% which is why the landscape looks a bit hazy and the Hudson looks more like the Nile). If you are in the New York City area Cold Springs is just a train ride away from Grand Central and the train lets you off right in the town square.  Continue for more...

*Photographs by Alison 


  1. Ahhhh, the Hudson Valley–it's owns my heart! I went to college up there and I just love it so much. It's so charming and special. If you need another great day trip, head to Rhinebeck–it's adorable!

  2. I went to college right near here and actually have been to Cold Springs myself with college friends. It's SO beautiful, especially in the late summer.

  3. I can see Henry cruising up the Hudson on the Half Moon ..... beautiful - thanks.

  4. its so beautiful! I love your photos. My husband is dying for a weeping willow in the backyard!

  5. Oh wow how gorgeous! That willow tree is just beautiful! :)

  6. Hi Alison, is a marvelous place, wish I visited it too! xo

  7. Such a green and soothing place!
    And this tree is very beautiful ...

  8. What a gorgeous place, the view looks amazing!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  9. Cold springs sounds like the perfect getaway! It's nice to escape from the city sometimes to take in a little R&R {and get some pretty photos too!} xx

  10. Omg. I really want to go here now. This looks like the perfect getaway from the city.

  11. The pictures are beautiful! It look like an amazing place to relax.

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    cassandra xx
