Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Petal by Petal:: Charisma Amaryllis

It is that time of year at the flower market when crimson berries and fir greens take over the bustling scene.  Yet, tucked somewhere amidst the holiday flutter I discovered this stunning amaryllis known as 'charisma'.  The amaryllis is a towering flower that is similar to a lily, but without the heady fragrance and it is like the iris in that it blooms with a cluster of buds.  I was intrigued by its white petals and the delicate strokes of red that tinged each petal.  You can buy these blooms in the bulb form or in the stem at local flower markets.  Continue for more...

*Photographs by Alison
**Information via here & here


  1. Gorgeous (and new to me) flower!

  2. Amazing photography. I adore the color, it looks incredible with the all black background.


  3. I don't think I've ever seen this flower before - it's so gorgeous! As for the photos, you already know I'm obsessed :) xx

  4. Oh such lovely photos. Love the color and details!
