Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Mother's Day Brunch & Mastering the Pancake

Are you looking for the perfect brunch item to serve for your Mother's Day brunch? Well look no further than these pancakes right here - they are delightfully light and the best part is that they do not come from a yellow box.  I found that they key to making a great pancake is what you do with the eggs. One of my favorite brunch spots in Brooklyn is the Buttermilk Channel - if you are ever in the area I urge you to go, their brunch menu is out of this world.  I typically get an omelette but one particular day, I managed to convince my sister to let me try her pancakes and they were knee-buckling good - they were fluffy and had a hint of richness that I couldn't put my finger on - I honestly still don't know the ingredient, but it tasted like vanilla laced bourbon.  These pancakes are very similar in texture since instead of adding the entire egg, you separate it and whip the egg whites into stiff peaks which is then later added into the batter. This creates for an amazingly light and fluffy pancake that would be an amazing star at your next brunch.  Continue for more...

A Few Things: I made two different types, one plain and one with chocolate chips (by special request from my fiancĂ©), but blueberries and raspberries would also be a great addition. 
*All photographs by Alison


  1. Alison, you must be the queen of pancakes, looks so good and tasty! I'd love to eat them now!:) Kisses! xo

  2. My grandma does the same egg whites trick! I'm convinced there isn't a better way to make pancakes.

  3. Ooh these looks so good! I'm more of a French toast girl myself, but I do love pancakes from time to time (especially chocolate chip ones!)

  4. YUM!! My favorite are banana pancakes!

  5. Yum, I love chocolate chip pancakes!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  6. Oh yes!! This is what I want...breakfast in bed...and by this I mean pancakes!! Such pretty flowers!!

  7. GORGEOUS photos, Alison! I'm not a huge pancake person (waffles are my thing!) but I love making them for people!

  8. Mmmm! Pancakes are my absolute favorite food. These look so yummy. xx. McKenna Lou

  9. I want those pancakes................please.

  10. Yum - these look amazing!! My husband loves pancakes - they are his favorite. I need to whip up a good batch for him.

  11. I'm about to tell my husband I NEED breakfast for dinner tonight - in the form of these pancakes of course! With chocolate chips please!!

  12. My pancakes never turn out very well (sigh). I'll have to cross my fingers and give this recipe a try!

  13. I wasn't hungry until I saw your post as per usual! My pancakes are never that good, so I'm going to try to master your secrets :)


  14. YUM!!! Now you have me craving pancakes. These look delicious. xo, Julie

  15. These are such delicious looking pancakes! I love your photos with the flowers too!
